"Still no indications of activity anywhere in the system. "Anything new from the patrols?" Pellaeon asked. The techs' preliminary report on the debris from that destroyed Kaloth battlecruiser had certainly influenced his thinking, too. Of course, in all fairness, Ardiff had had the past thirty hours to cogitate on his theories. In the thirty hours since the failed attack on the Chimaera, Ardiff had gone from believing it to be a raid by New Republic General Garm Bel Iblis, to suspicions that it had been engineered by dissident Imperial elements, to similar suspicions involving similarly dissident Rebels, and was now apparently convinced that a pirate gang was responsible. "Thank you, Captain," Pellaeon said, carefully hiding a smile. Your ship is back to full fighting readiness." "All damage from that pirate attack has been repaired. "Report from Major Harch, Admiral," he said briskly. The Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera slid through the black of space, its only companion the silent gas giant world of Pesitiin far below.Īdmiral Pellaeon was standing at the forward viewport, gazing out at the dead planet, when Captain Ardiff arrived on the bridge. In his hands-alive or dead-rests the fate of the New Republic.Īll rights reserved. But most important of all is the truth about Thrawn. They must infiltrate a hidden fortress filled with Imperial fanatics, rendezvous with a double-dealing Imperial commander, and journey into enemy territory to learn the identity of those responsible for an act of unthinkable genocide. Now Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and their allies face the challenge of their lives. The New Republic is on the verge of civil war and the rumor that the legendary Admiral Thrawn has returned from the dead is rallying the Imperial forces. Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn brings his epic two-volume series The Hand of Thrawn to an explosive conclusion with a discovery that rocks the New Republic to its foundations-and threatens to resurrect the Empire. Vision of the Future concludes #1 New York Times best-selling author Timothy Zahn's Hand of Thrawn series.

As the Empire's master plan unfolds, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo must battle to safeguard the fledgling New Republic from a dead Imperial warlord-and from itself.