That means new enemies such as Sirens, Phantoms and Ocean Crawlers will all be appearing across game’s world at large. These additions won’t just be restricted to the expansion story either, coming as part of the larger Season Three update. We’re promised appearances from the series’ favourites and Rare has even worked with Walt Disney Games to make the original story including nods to both the movies and the theme park ride. The campaign comprises of five tales, similar in scope to the Tall Tales of the original game. It all takes place in a new free story expansion entitled Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life and is described as the game’s “most ambitious story-driven campaign to date.” As announced during the Xbox & Bethesda Showcase, you’ll first be sent on a quest to free series hero Jack Sparrow from imprisonment, before joining him on a swashbuckling adventure.

Rare has announced that Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean series will crossover with Sea of Thieves in the game’s next major update next week.

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