If you continue to have server/restart, not mod issues you will need to contact Nitrado Support. The basic way to fix a issue with unofficial ark.

Then all you do is select the mod from within the game after you click the host button at the menu and it shows up in the mods box at the left, then just select the mods you want to activate and click the right arrow to bring it to the active mods box on the right. Building mods: S+ (Structures Plus) = 731604991 Castles, Keeps and Forts Medieval Architecture = 764755314 Fancy Fences : 1. news Close ARK, right click ARK in Steam, click Properties, click Local Files, click Browser Local Files and navigate to "\ShooterGame\Content\Mods". Copy the Mods ID from the Steam Mod workshop. ark survival evolved cracked install mods. No special formatting required, Beacon will scour the content for spawn codes. Sony does not and will not allow anyone to use external mods, they will only allow mods if they come with the game. Once you have located a map you would like to use, on that page you will need to locate the map’s mod ID and the map’s name. It lacks the eye-candy factor of the “Immersive” Castle mod, but it does repair all of the fort’s walls to their original, prewar state.Home. If you’re primarily a console player, you might check out the “ Castle Fully Restored” mod, which has just been ported to the Xbox One. But it looks incredible-think Red Dead meets Diamond City-and I’d expect it to be pretty popular, especially among Minutemen fans.

For now, the one-megabyte blueprint is only on PC it’s also brand-new, so there may still be some kinks that’ll need ironed out in future updates. With “ Immersive: The Castle,” available from Nexus Mods, players can turn the Castle into one of the best-looking locations in the game, richly detailed and perfect for role-playing. A little time with the workshop and some artistic flair can work wonders, though there’s only so much you can do to make it feel homey and lived-in the way, for instance, Sanctuary Hills does. It’s largely empty, save for a big radio antenna and some austere living quarters, and its walls are literally crumbling. However, the Castle’s not the most attractive or inspired place to call home.